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The highline in New York City is an example of landscape architecture which creates a journey but also creates defining moments along the way. It was this concept that inspired the journey of the landscape design and creating markers along the way for activity. The initial direction of circulation which inspired geometry and spatiality in this design is where these moments come into play. As shown in the diagrammatical plan of the highline below there are several moments along the way where different moments occur creating a range of experiences.






The entrance to site from Stretford Rd which connects straight into the main flow of circulation. This space is open at the front allowing the activities of what happens within to spill out onto the open pavement. There are benches surrounding trees to add shade and rest points. Allowing space here is important for people to be able to gather within view of the Stretford Rd the key transport link. There is space for market stalls to pop up during warmer months creating vibrancy to the entrance.

The internal lawn. This is a pause space, a play space, a meeting point. The grass area is simple and allows people to occupy how they wish. Having a stopping space during the circulation of the retail units is important for allowing break out spaces, it defines something more natural in the midst of trade. Visual connections to the space from the retail also inspires a constant view of activity.

Inspired by a playstreet in Amsterdam this playarea is built into the ground and becomes a vibrant space for children to play on whilst there parents are shopping. Public play in Hulme is almost redundant due to the introverted nature of the play spaces. Having an open play space in the midst of activity will be a vibrant and welcome change for the children of Hulme.

This space borders the main public space in front of the training centre. There is space once again for break out points for market stalls and activity. There is also pause spaces on benches which are shaded by trees. This space becomes a pause and preparation before entering into the wider space and into the realms of the training centre.

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