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NAME: James Edwards

STORY: James fell into homelessness after issues at home growing up. After spending two years living rough on the streets of Manchester, James found himself in the shelter on site at Leaf St. After a sessions of rehabilitation, James was then ready start training within the training centre in order to get himself back into work and back into society.

NAME: Tracey Davies

STORY: Tracey grew up in Hulme during the crescent era and has lived in the ward for her whole life. She has currently been unemployed for over a year after losing her previous job. Tracey left school before gaining required qualifications to allow her to access most jobs. Entering the training centre will allow her to gain qualifications and have experience of work which will provide a foundation for securing a sound job.

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Leaf St is designed around two key users; the homeless and the unemployed and their integration with the people of Hulme. Exploring the building through the eyes of these users gives two insights into how the scheme enhances the lives of its users. The journey has been designed into four stages, following the life development from entering the training centre, to the engagment on site, to the moment the user leaves Leaf St.

In partnership with the Manchester School of Architecture.

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