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As a vehicle to encourage the prelimanary designs for our buildings, a day was spent undertaking the event THE BIG DRAW. The aim of the event was to derive potential iterations for our design through experimenting with precedent and collage. Working with site plans scaled to 1:200 and 1:500 we began to understand our site and the surrounding context. We were encouraged to find 12 precedents of buildings which inspired us. Analysing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunites and threats of the designs allowed me to work in a critical way when I began placing these precedents onto the site.


The big draw event allowed me to begin to understand the spatial qualities of my site. Directly placing precedent over the site in a physical manner allowed me to visualise what could be created on the site. As I began to lay out potential design schemes and SWOT analyse my work I started to understand the spatial strategy of the site. By lisitng the successes, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of every potential scheme as I worked, I began creating more and more layouts that each time were more educated from the next allowing me to progress to overall final design which was well conceived and thought out.

Photographs from the day:

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