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PEDAGOGICAL: Formal presentation, Instructor contols presentation, passive learning.

PROCESS: Prepare, generate a presentatio, deliver to audience, assess understanding.

BEHAVIOUR: Bring information before the public, instructor lead, knowledge is in one source

PEDAGOGICAL: Controlled observation, one to one master and apprentice, informal, active learning.

PROCESS: Knolwedge transferred via demonstration, practice and understanding achieved.

BEHAVIOUR: Learner centred, apprentice model

PEDAGOGICAL: Multiple disciplines, leaderless, privacy. casual, active learning, distributed attention.

PROCESS: Research, recognise need, divergent thinking, incubate, interpret into product/innovation.

BEHAVIOUR: Innovation or knowledge moved from abstract to a product.

PEDAGOGICAL: Knowledge dispersed, impromptu delivery, casual, active learning.

PROCESS: Organise information, deliver, receive, interpret, confirm.

BEHAVIOUR: Share information, provide quick exchange.

PEDAGOGICAL: Knowledge dispersed, information is shared, leader sets direction, semi-formal/formal, passive/active learning.

PROCESS: Review data, generate strategy, plan, implement one course of action.

BEHAVIOUR: Make decisions.



The diagrams below show how the influence of understanding ways of learning and communicating helped to shape and influence the design of the training centre. The five types of learning allow for different spaces to be created to host the types of learning. The diagrams show where in the building spaces for certain types of learning can be found. Trying to include all five areas of learning and decipher the spaces they would need was a challenege throughout the process, however having these integreate and segrated spaces are key to making the training centre as relevant a possible to those who come to learn.

As the training centre is a place of learning it was of utmost importance to understand the complexities of designing for different types of pedagogy, and understanding the relevant spaces they would need. Below is a study of five types of pedagogy which I found relevant to the training centre and became a framework for what types of learning spaces would be integrated into the design. 

Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan

Referring back to the concept of rationality, the open space is a double heighted space where learning takes place on both the ground floor and mezzanine level above. This space was mainly desiged for open learning, group learning with break out zones integreated. Therefore, most of the pedagogy on these levels are group work spaces, creative, one to one and break out zones. Understanding how to integrate different types of open styled learning helped to divide this area up in a suitable way to maximise learning. Group learning is up on the mezzanine so that it can become more secluded. The personal learning at the computers has been in places sunk into the ground slightly to create privacy and the breakout social zones left on the ground floor surrounding and below the two main learning experiences.

The rationality of the plan integrates itself with the structural strategy of the steel frame to help create private learning spaces on this of the building. All classrooms, offices and private study happens in the rooms along the left side of the building with direct access to the central access core as well as access to the mezzanine from the first floor and visual connections to other floors being provided throughout. What would have been four seperate classrooms have now been split into different types of learning spaces including, presentation space, communicative learning, delivering and casual. Each classroom provides a different approach to learning so that those in each setting can experience something different.

In partnership with the Manchester School of Architecture.

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